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The Rain

It's almost midnight
and it's raining again
I ask you to stay
but your cab is right on the way

The movie on TV
brings back memories
I try no to think
but this feeling flows inside

Gone are the days
we'd to it in the mess
of your daddy's car
Trying not to scream
Take off these clothes
to make up my mind
I won't try to argue with you again

The thoughts in your head
my kingdom for them
I know you're scared
But the storm is just outside

The lights from the screen
the warm on my bed
your smell stills here
But your mind is so far away

Gone are the days
we'd to it in the mess
of your daddy's car
Trying not to scream.
Take off these clothes
To make up my mind
I won't try to argue with you again

The movie on tv
will make you stay
Cuz' our history
is on the fucking way

This is the time
we'll do it on the stairs
or looking at stars
Trying not to scream
When you take off all your clothes
with nothing in your mind
I know we can stop the rain, again

This is the time
To do it on the stairs
we are lost stars
Trying not to scream
Take off all your clothes
You've just made up my mind
I know we could stop the rain

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